For Immediate Release
July 27, 2012
POTTS POINT, NSW– Australia’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and environmental training company, AlertForce (AF), was approved by Comcare for the 5-day Health and Safety Representative (HSR) training course.
In order to be approved and subsequently offer the HSR course, the applicant must represent a training organisation, company or sole trader. A Comcare assessor analyzed the quality of AlertForce’s face to face training program and subsequently approved them for the HSR course until 22 July, 2017. Throughout this time period AlertForce will be frequently be assessed based on the approval criteria, which will further ensure that their OHS training program remains one of high quality. AlertForce completed application was processed and approved according to the criteria set by the following:
- How to become an approved provider of Health & Safety Representative (HSR) training for the Commonwealth jurisdiction, 1 January 2012 (Guidance 1); and
- HSR Training Course Requirements, 1 January 2012 (Guidance 2)
According to the application process, each applicant’s course content must be relative to the functions and powers of an HSR. Furthermore, the applicant must be found offering high quality content and high quality training. In addition, each applicant’s course must be within the applicant’s capability and capacity and must be administered by an individual with relevant experience and knowledge. AlertForce’s approval indicates that the company has fulfilled the aforementioned requirements and will soon include the HSR course in their catalogue of various other award-winning training courses.
“AlertForce’s course will certify that prospective HSR’s will have ability to ensure that fellow employees are involved in the dialogue and decisions affecting their occupational health and safety” says Brendan Torazzi, AlertForce company founder.The HSR course will teach individuals how to be a central part of the partnership between employer and employee. A HSR’s duty includes tasks such as inspecting the workplace for safety lapses, accompanying an investigator during an inquiry, investigate OHS complaints, and initiate safety protocols.
AlertForce ( specialises in delivering fast, competency-based, interactive short online and face to face OHS & E courses to mitigate risk and health and safety & environmental hazards in Australian workplaces. Contact: Brendan Torazzi – CEO AlertForce. Ph: 1300 627 246
More information on HSR can be found at the ComCare Website
Latest OHS news
“In over 20 years of training, this was one of the best courses I’ve ever attended.”
“Great! The instructor made it interesting and enjoyable”
” We heard that AlertForce delivers one of the best courses around so the boss decided to send me to Australia from New Zealand.”
“I liked the trainer’s positive outlook and uplifting approach towards completing the long day.”
“Very competent training course. Trainer was very knowledgeable on subject.”
“AlertForce provided an excellent trainer, knowledgeable on the topic and allowed for active questioning.”
“Informative and concise training delivered at the right pace.”
“The Trainer was very engaging”
“Interesting, informative, relevant.”