Asbestos Safety Requires Constant Vigilance | AlertForce

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Thousands upon thousands of Australians will be diagnosed with a deadly asbestos -related lung disease throughout the next two decades, according to recently published research.

This frightening statistic certainly highlights just how dangerous and life changing exposure to the deadly building material can be.

Australia has one of the highest per-capita rates of asbestos-related lung diseases. Some of the types of diseases brought on by asbestos-exposure are Mesothelioma, Asbestosis and lung cancer.

A recent upsurge in asbestos talk, has resulted in November being heralded as Asbestos Awareness Month– a time to remember that the deadly material is still a very present danger in our homes, and in our communities.

Do-it-yourself home renovations also carry a heavy risk considering the prominent use of asbestos prior to late 1980s.

One asbestos fibre is potentially enough to cause disease several years onward.

It is important constantly be vigilant when encountering asbestos, and keep an eye out for it.

One must never handle asbestos themselves, and instead should contact a licensed expert who can safely rid the area of danger.



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