First Aid Training - A Skill That Saves Lives | AlertForce

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Why Is It Important?

Every day, no matter how mundane that day may be, we are faced with potentially life threatening situations.  It may not be your life in danger, or even anyone you know personally, but simply having the right skills, could save a life.

Whether you work at an office, factory, retail store, or even at a home; first aid training is important knowledge to have. Obtaining the proper training can be the one deciding factor between life and death for an individual. Simply having the knowledge to know how and when to act when you’re first person on the scene, is one of the most important aspects to saving someone’s life.  Acting without training, even if your intentions are good–could be critical.

The Key To Saving Lives…

The key to safety is prevention. If you are aware that every other worker in your workplace has the same quality First-Aid Training, than you have that confidence and safety assurance in your everyday life. That sense of security can ultimately limit the amount of accidents that occur. Furthermore, in the event that something happens, preventative measures can make all the difference in saving that person’s life. Even if the situation isn’t as serious as one might initially suspect, the act of ‘covering all bases’ could prove vital in saving a life, or preventing the situation from escalating.

First Aid Training isn’t only about treating immediate issues, but also promoting recovery. First Aid Training teaches participants how to star the recovery process for illnesses or injuries. This can mean tending to a wound, applying plaster, or adding new bandages. The person trained in first aid will have the knowledge to deal with cuts, scrapes or bone fractures. They also know how to maintain the condition of an ailment until further medical assistance arrives (Paramedic).

Basic First Aid training is not just monumentally important for you to have as skill, but for the good of society. Many acquired skills are undertaken because they are required for your profession, or because they look appealing on your resume’— having First Aid Training contributes to something much larger—Human Life.

In the Queensland Ambulance First Aid course, you will learn how to respond to and manage an unconscious casualty, perform CPR, assist with respiratory and cardiac emergencies,’bleeding and shock,musculoskeletal injuries, poison control, bites ;and injuries to the head,spine,chest, abdomen and pelvis.

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“AlertForce provided an excellent trainer,  knowledgeable on the topic and allowed for active questioning.”


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