Forklift Operator Training - Playing by the Rules | AlertForce

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Since companies and all owners were required to properly equip all workers with training and knowledge in forklifts, courses have begun sprouting everywhere in all kinds of manner. Forklift operator training is vital to ensure that all operations remain safe and efficient for everyone. Having skilled workers at hand will also boost productivity in the long term.OSHA created a rule which was finalized on December 1, 1998 stating that all forklift truck operators should be trained before they begin to operate any heavy duty machine. It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure that all workers undergo sufficient training before assigning them to work. Employers will be held liable for any untoward incidents which resulted from lack of training, knowledge or skill in the part of the operator. Insurance will not be covered by agencies if operators were not legally certified prior to accidents.

There are plenty of online companies offering forklift operator training at very reasonable rates. Users can simply choose the type of training course they want to pursue, fill out an application form and pay the necessary tuition fees. The course will then be made available for download in the chosen format. There are also courses that are valid with no specific schedule in which the student can take lessons or classes any time within the viable period of time. All the student needs to do is log on and type in the password provided specifically for him or her to continue from the last topic. The course will expire after a period of time.

Courtesy: Markest

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“In over 20 years of training, this was one of the best courses I’ve ever attended.”

Queensland Rail

“Great! The instructor made it interesting and enjoyable”

Leighton Contractors

” We heard that AlertForce delivers one of the best courses around so the boss decided to send me to Australia from New Zealand.”

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“Very competent training course. Trainer was very knowledgeable on subject.”


“AlertForce provided an excellent trainer,  knowledgeable on the topic and allowed for active questioning.”


“Informative and concise training delivered at the right pace.”

“The Trainer was very engaging”

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