Lafarge Plasterboard introduces manual handling guidance - AlertForce

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Lafarge Plasterboard has announced that from the end of July 2010 all of its GTEC plasterboard products complying with BS EN 520 will include manual handling guidance. The safe handling guidance is one of a number of initiatives generated by an industry-wide forum led by the Health & Safety Executive, that is being adopted by the Gypsum Products Development Association (GPDA) of which Lafarge Plasterboard is a member.

The first part of the new guidance will include the statement ‘HANDLE SAFELY’, accompanied by a graphic on each board showing two people lifting a panel. The second part will be the introduction of marking weights (Kg) on plasterboard which will help installers assess risk onsite. Steve Hemmings, Sustainability & Compliance Manager of Lafarge Plasterboard, said: “Lafarge Plasterboard is committed to the continual development of safety. The new advisories will appear alongside our existing technical and compliance information to reinforce the importance of good manual handling practice for all our customers.”

Courtesy: Congoo


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