Simple Steps To Manage Your Carbon Footprint | AlertForce

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With the new carbon tax about to go into effect even those businesses unlikely to be taxed are thinking more seriously about finding ways to manage carbon footprint in their own businesses. Here are some simple tips that may help you to find a way to manage carbon footprint.

Make A Manage Carbon Footprint Assessment

In order to manage your carbon footprint the first thing you want to do is make a manage carbon footprint assessment. Some things you may want to look at are:

・ Machines that are turned on when not in use

・ Lights left on in rooms when no one is using them

・ Heating or air conditioning turned too high

・ Possibility of car pooling for employees

・ Are business vehicles being used unnecessarily

・ Can purchasing more efficient machinery save energy in the long run

Get Everyone Involved

Get everyone who works for and with you involved in coming up with suggestions on how to help manage carbon footprint for your business. You can make a contest out of it and reward the winners with an extra 1/2 hour for lunch, a certificate, or some other small reward. Not only will getting everyone involved help manage your carbon footprint but, it will also boost moral and help you to come up with some great ideas you may not have thought of on your own.

Once you actually come up with a plan to manage carbon footprint then implement the plan and get everyone excited about following the plan. The more involved everyone feels the more likely they are to follow the plan and do their part to manage carbon footprint.

Environmentalist Of The Month

If you are a big company with several different departments you can institute an environmentalist of the month depart. The department that does the most to manage carbon footprint for the month gets their name on a plaque where visitors of your company can see it. Not only will this encourage everyone to manage the carbon footprint, but it will make the public aware of your efforts to help reduce those carbon dioxide emissions and help the environment. With more and more citizens showing concern for the environment this will not only help to manage your carbon footprint, but will help cement customer loyalty as well.

In most cases, you don’t have to go to a big expense to manage carbon footprint. It’s all about doing the little things like turning those computers off when everyone leaves for the night. Turning lights off in rooms not being used, and making a conscious decision to make less copies, use that microwave less, and try and reduce waste that will have to be hauled away.

Even the smallest effort to manage carbon footprint can make a big difference in the environment and in savings to your company.

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