Most people think that because there has been a concentrated effort towards asbestos awareness that the problems regarding asbestos are a thing of the past or at least declining. Sadly, this is not the case, due to the long number of years between asbestos exposure and the development of problems experts believe this problem is going to be with us for many years to come.
For that reason, it is essential that asbestos awareness continue both in terms of safety and helping those suffering from Asbestos exposure.
Each year new young people join the workforce. These younger people may simply be unaware of the dangers that asbestos exposure poses for them in the workplace or their home. For that reason, we need to keep reviewing our asbestos awareness programs in order to prevent yet another generation from being exposed to this deadly material. Making those new to the workforce understand the dangers of asbestos and assuring that they know how to safely handle this material will save money and lives down the road.
In addition asbestos awareness should make people aware if they have work related asbestos diseases the dust disease board stands willing and ready to help their families. Knowing where to go to get the help you need is an important part of any asbestos awareness program and can provide help and hope for those suffering from asbestos related diseases and their families.
The Risk Of Asbestos Still Exists
It is also necessary to keep in mind that the dangers of asbestos still exist. While asbestos has been removed from many older buildings, schools, and public places there are still older factors, ships and other places that still contain asbestos. As long as asbestos and asbestos-based products are still around the risk will continue. Therefore, it is essential that Asbestos awareness programs continue in order to provide valuable information regarding this material. Making sure that your employees are aware of these risks and know exactly what to do to report and minimize the risk of asbestos related diseases is essential to protecting your employees and guarding their welfare both now and in the future.
Don’t wait until the next Asbestos awareness week to address this issue with new employees make sure that they know and understand the risks now. Forewarned is forearmed so they say. So make sure that each and every one of your employees has the knowledge they need to protect themselves.
Don’t Stop Your Efforts
Most importantly it is important that no company stop their Asbestos awareness efforts as experts predict that this problem will be on the rise until at least 2018. Making your employees aware of this problem, the risks and the help that is available can ensure that future generations are safer and healthier than the ones that have gone before.
In the long run, it will save your company, your community and all of Australia millions of dollars that is now being spent to address and deal with this problem. This is something we all need to do together.
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