The Importance of Electrical Safety | AlertForce

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Electrical hazards can be fatal.

As such, it is important to follow the same systematic approach used for other health and safety issues, when dealing with electrical safety. No one could overstate the importance of Electrical Safety knowledge. It is imperative to know how to work safely with or within the vicinity of electricity because electrical current in regular businesses and homes have enough power that if exposed to, can be fatal. A training course for staff can help!

Four main types of electrical injuries

All electrical systems can potentially cause harm. Four of the main types of injuries that occur as a result of electrical current include:

  1. electrocution,
  2. electric shock,
  3. burns, and
  4. falls.

These types of incidents can occur in various instances. Through direct contact with electrical energy, electricity can travel through the body can interfere with regular electrical signals between the brain and our muscles. This can lead to instances where the heart may stop beating regularly, breathing may stop and other bodily function may shut down. Arc Flashes can result in intense burns or an intense light that can cause blindness.

Electrical Safety Regulation

Electrical safety is regulated by WorkPlace Health and Safety Regulations which states that every employer is responsible for ensuring that all employees are safe from injuries and risks to health while at the workplace.

A group comprised of employers and workers should be used to identify all hazards associated with electrical equipment. Assessing the risk is imperative in reducing the risk, or severity of an injury.

Controlling risks

One can control a risk by using controls such as residual current devices (RCDs) –safety switches, or a system of regular inspection of portable electrical equipment and extension cords, frequent monitoring, record keeping and testing of electrical equipment.

Electricity is one of nature’s most powerful and dangerous forces; in fact, electricity is one of the leading causes of death at work. It is unsafe for the untrained to conduct DIY electrical work. It is simply not worth the risk. Saving money is not worth a life.

Besides being extremely dangerous, it is also against the law and could potentially jeopardise insurance. It is therefore highly recommended that people employ a licensed electrical contractor

Tasks that may seem simple for your everyday handy-man husband can prove quite hazardous if not performed by a professional. This can include tasks such as the installation of a new power point, installing a replacement light switch, or repairing an appliance such as a ceiling fan, washing machine, or air condition unit.

Electricity Safety Training

Training can provide employees with the knowledge and skill, to effectively identify and potentially eliminate safety issues.

Some issues discussed in Electricity Safety Programs include;

  • Electricity and the Human Body
  • Electricity: General Principles
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Working with Electricity
  • Protection, Isolation and Testing
  • Overhead, Underground and Hidden Electricity

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