11084NAT Asbestos Awareness Training Online (ex 10675NAT) | AlertForce

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Organise Your Nationally Recognised Asbestos Awareness Training Today!

Asbestos Awareness Online 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) 10852NAT Working with Asbestos Containing Materials
Available nationally
Nationally recognised training
Comprehensive materials available
Compliance for ACT construction sites
Digital ID Card
Previous experience required
Duration Approx Online varies 1/2 day Approx 1/2 day
Cost $66 FREE *limit of 5 per company $227* $447**
Funding available CALL CALL
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Available nationally

Available nationally

Nationally recognised training

Nationally recognised training

Comprehensive materials available

Comprehensive materials available

Compliance for ACT construction sites

Compliance for ACT construction sites

Digital ID Card

Digital ID Card

Previous experience required

Previous experience required

Duration Approx

Duration Approx



Funding available

Funding available

Asbestos Awareness Online

Available nationally


Nationally recognised training

Comprehensive materials available

Compliance for ACT construction sites

Digital ID Card

Previous experience required

Duration Approx

Online varies


$66 FREE *limit of 5 per company

Funding available

11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT)

Available nationally


Nationally recognised training


Comprehensive materials available


Compliance for ACT construction sites


Digital ID Card


Previous experience required


Duration Approx

1/2 day



Funding available


10852NAT Working with Asbestos Containing Materials

Available nationally


Nationally recognised training


Comprehensive materials available


Compliance for ACT construction sites


Digital ID Card


Previous experience required


Duration Approx

Approx 1/2 day



Funding available


* The course price may come down to $133 per person for 11084NAT (previously 10675NAT) if you are a ACT business eligible for Training Fund Authority Subsidies.

** The course price may come down to $297 per person for 10852NAT if you are a ACT business eligible for Training Fund Authority Subsidies.

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According to the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, asbestos awareness training is required for all individuals who work in fields that may involve contact with asbestos. Builders, carpenters, cablers, plumbers, and other professionals who work in the ACT for several years have needed to take the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness training course (previously 10675NAT) to fulfil these requirements along with White Card Training.

The 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) is the current ACT-approved training course for asbestos awareness training. It replaces the 10314NAT as the standard for learning how to identify asbestos.

What Is the Training Requirement for Asbestos Awareness?

To meet the ACT training requirements for asbestos awareness, individuals must complete the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT). As a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), it is your responsibility to ensure that your workers have completed this training through an approved training provider.

Across Australia, if you reasonably believe that you or your workers will work with asbestos-containing materials (ACM), you need to arrange this training with a qualified training company. You also need to maintain a record of who has been trained and when the training was completed. In the ACT is mandatory for any person entering a construction site just like the white card in most states of Australia. There are no specific prerequisites for undertaking training in 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT). The only requirement is that the student should be able to read, understand, and converse in English. If an individual cannot read and write in English, they may hire an accredited translator. However, translators are not usually provided by the training organisation.

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How Is the Training Delivered?

Asbestos awareness training courses are not available online. Face-to-face delivery is required for the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT). These asbestos awareness training courses also need to be delivered by a qualified training organisation.

The courses are typically designed to be completed in a minimum of four hours. However, the exact length of the course may depend on the company offering the course and the number of students.

AlertForce is approved by ASQA and the licence holders of 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) to deliver this course nationally.

Why Do You Need to Complete an Asbestos Awareness Course?

The 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) is required for specified workers in ACT and Canberra. All work conducted on building sites requires workers to complete 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness training (previously 10675NAT). Exposure to asbestos is known to increase the risk of an inflammatory lung condition called asbestosis. This condition can lead to shortness of breath and permanent lung damage. It may even increase the risk of lung cancer. The Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 requires that information, training, and instruction is provided for identifying asbestos. Currently, 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) is the approved training course to meet these requirements.

If you completed training prior to January 2008, your previous asbestos training is not accepted. For training completed between January 2008 and June 2014, the course must have been offered through an accredited registered training organisation and be something like CPCCDE3014A Remove non-friable asbestos which is a higher level course to the awareness one. If the training course did not meet these requirements, training in 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) will be required.

The purpose of the training course is to reduce the health and safety risks associated with asbestos exposure. The Minister’s declaration of occupations is a long list of occupations where workers may reasonably be exposed to asbestos. Any worker with an occupation listed in the Minister’s declaration of occupations needs to complete the necessary training. Along with builders and plumbers, bricklayers, stonemasons, architects, AC mechanics, civil engineers, scaffolders, and roof tilers need to complete the asbestos awareness training.

How Much Does 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness Training (previously 10675NAT) Cost?

The average price of the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness training course (previously 10675NAT) can vary, depending on the company providing the course and the region. In Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne, the typical price for this course is $227. In Brisbane, you may pay between $220 and $250. The course is not as popular outside of Canberra because it is not mandatory although many workers residing outside Canberra will obviously need the training if doing construction work in Canberra.

These are just the typical prices. However, many companies offer discounts for group training. If you have six or more workers that require the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness training course (previously 10675NAT), you may qualify for a group discount.

The ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund may allow some individuals to receive a partial refund. Individuals must apply to receive this refund, which is typically delivered after the completion of the course.

Can my business get training funding?

In certain circumstances businesses who are related to the construction industry in the ACT will be eligible for training funding. AlertForce are able to organise this on behalf of your business if you meet the eligibility criteria. You can check Training Fund Authority website here or call us to discuss your staff eligibility.

What Will You Learn by Completing the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT)?

The primary purpose of the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) is for workers to learn how to identify asbestos. The course does not deal with the removal or encapsulation of the asbestos.

By the end of the course, participants should understand the hazards and potential health risks associated with asbestos. The main risk of asbestos exposure is lung damage, which is also called asbestosis. Asbestos exposure also increases the risk of lung cancer and is classified as a human carcinogen. 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness training (previously 10675NAT) also covers the identification of asbestos. Participants also learn where asbestos is most likely to be found and the materials that commonly contain asbestos.

In Australia, asbestos was not banned until December 2003. However, asbestos has not been used in building materials for domestic properties since the 1980s. While asbestos is no longer used, it is still often found in domestic and commercial properties that were built prior to the ban. Asbestos was an inexpensive material that was used in a wide variety of construction materials. Older homes and buildings may contain asbestos in the insulation, tiles, wallboards, gutters, downspouts, flashing, plaster, cement, and vinyl flooring.

Asbestos may also be found in elevator equipment, including brake shoes. Electrical panel partitions, cooling towers, and ductwork are also areas where asbestos may be found in older properties.

The training course also explains the necessary safety procedures for addressing asbestos after it is detected. In most cases, the asbestos must be properly reported and dealt with by a qualified asbestos abatement or encapsulation company.

With the asbestos awareness training, PCBUs can ensure that a building site is safe for workers, contractors, visitors, and any other individuals who may need to occupy or visit the site.

What Accreditation Will You Get?

After completing the 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT), an assessment is conducted to determine if you understood the information presented during the training course. If you pass this assessment, you receive a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment.

Asbestos awareness training is required before entering a building site. If you are an employer, you need to ensure that your workers receive access to this training. 11084NAT Course in Asbestos Awareness (previously 10675NAT) is the current course approved in the ACT. While these courses are not available online, they are offered by qualified training organisations.

AlertForce recommend that you do the higher qualification CPCCDE3014A if you reside outside of Canberra as this gives you more flexibility. You can view our asbestos awareness and removal courses here just below. You can also do a bunch of asbestos courses online here.

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