Asbestos Training: As Important Now As It Ever Was | AlertForce

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In light of recent asbestos exposure cases Asbestos Training remains as vital as ever before. One must educate themselves and acquire an understanding of the proper measures on how to deal with asbestos incidents so they can avoid potential exposure.Simply because Asbestos is not something that is still used today, does not mean it is no longer a risk.

 “Just like the thousands of tonnes of unexploded mines that were dropped in past wars, asbestos continues to creep up and claim its victims.”

Recently a man, Simon Lowes, was awarded $2 million, after he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, which the judge ruled was caused or at least contributed to, by the actions of companies; James Hardie and their subsidiary Amaca. The ‘actions’ the judge was referring to was the careless dumping of asbestos waste at a children’s railway and orphanage.

This victim of asbestos was affected by the substance when he was a mere child playing in field years ago. It is important to note that construction sites renovation projects continue to turn up asbestos contaminated zones.

As far as other occupational health and safety risks goes, It would not be a drastic exaggeration to say that Asbestos Awareness training is one of utmost importance—if only because it can save the lives and futures of innocent children. James Hardie, the accused company, received a warning from their safety advisor around the same time Lowes was exposed.  The warning was regarding their dumping of asbestos waste at the exact site that Lowes received exposure at.

It is imperative for companies to ensure that they have employees trained in asbestos awareness so that if they are ever faced with a warning like the one James Hardie received, they will act accordingly, and undertake the proper measures.

It is alleged that many ACT businesses could potentially still contain ‘’fluffy’’ asbestos unbeknownst to them. This is because many buildings were “out of the scope “of the $100 million effort to remove asbestos in the 1980s.

Because of this oversight, over 50 families may be at risk of exposure since they live in contaminated zones. This “fluffy” fibre asbestos is actually more dangerous than the typical asbestos found. Being exposed to it by a broken roof tile is potentially life threatening.

With quality asbestos training available, there is no reason why any worker should improperly handle asbestos. Quality training enables participants to become fully competent and aware in the management of Asbestos and of all compliance requirements. Receiving Asbestos Awareness training, or having your employees receive this training, is a good business decision (as it could save your company $2 million See: James Hardie case), and an ethical and moral decision.


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