General load restraint awareness | AlertForce

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The carriage of loads brings with it a great amount of risk.

This risk is increased if you and your colleagues do not adhere to safe load restraint practices. Load restraint training is designed to help you reduce the risks.

The load restraint training courses available will cover all areas of load restraint in detail. It is clearly stated in the Performance Standards in the Load Restraint Guide that a load restraint system must be capable of withstanding a force equal to 80 percent of its weight in the forward direction, 50 percent of its weight in the sideward and rearward direction, and 20 percent of its weight in the vertical direction.


In simplified terms, this means that a load that is restrained so it doesn’t shift is required to withstand forces of at least:

  1. 80% of its weight in the forward direction
  2. 50% of its weight sideways and rearwards
  3. an additional 20% of its weight vertically

The load restraint guidelines are proven principles – they are not just devised to make life harder, but they are designed to make life safer – yours and the lives of others.  They relate to the maximum acceleration or “g” forces (in the Performance Standards) that a vehicle will meet in all conditions. Load restraint training informs drivers of these and all other relevant guidelines for risk reduction.

If a load is restrained to these standards it will not move or fall off in all normal driving circumstances, including the hardest of brake stops – to the point that skid marks are left on the road, or the vehicle rolls over.

After completing your you will know how to appropriately:

  1. Select the correct vehicle
  2. Arrange loads properly
  3. Restrain loads according to the guide


As part of your adherence to the key elements of load restraint, consider the following:

  1. select the appropriate restraint method based on the “g” forces likely to act upon the load
  2. select the correct vehicle to carry the load
  3. arrange the load to ensure adequate stability, steering and braking and not to overload tyre axles
  4. restrain the load using either tie down, direct restraint or a combination of both

If you fail to adhere to any of these elements , then you are in breach of the law and are liable to be prosecuted.  It is not enough to pay “lip service” to the key elements of load restraint.  The consequences can be dire. Complete your load restraint training to ensure you are armed with the relevant knowledge.

Your adherence to the key elements of load restraint should also take into consideration the driving techniques used for laden vehicles, the restraint methods for general freight, methods for calculating restraint requirements, vehicle capabilities and the load restraint equipment capabilities.

You’ll find that the Load Restraint Guide, together with the load restraint training available, provides you with information on all of these areas.


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