If your business operations require the removal of asbestos, you may need an asbestos removal licence.
Asbestos fibres are resistant to heat and fire, making them useful for improving the safety and efficiency of everything from siding and ceiling tiles to insulation and concrete. However, the dangers of asbestos led the Australian government to ban asbestos and asbestos-containing materials.
Asbestos is still found in homes and commercial buildings. Here is a closer look at how to get an asbestos ticket for safely removing asbestos.
What Is an Asbestos Removal Licence?
An asbestos removal license verifies that a supervisor or a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) meets the qualifications for removing asbestos or asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).
There is some confusion over who needs an asbestos licence. The licence only applies to PCBUs. Only PCBUs can apply for an asbestos removal licence. However, the removal of asbestos must be completed under the supervision of a nominated supervisor.
The PCBU applies for the licence and enrols nominated supervisors into the required training courses. The supervisors obtain the required state of attainment and the PCBU requests the licence.
The licence is separate from the safety regulations for workers who are required to remove asbestos. All workers must complete asbestos training. Asbestos training is also required before obtaining a licence.
Types of Asbestos Removal Licences
PCBUs may apply for one of two types of asbestos removal licences – Class A and Class B. The class A licence is required for the removal of any amount of friable asbestos. The class B licence is needed when removing more than 10 square metres of non-friable asbestos.
Non-friable asbestos is less likely to release potentially harmful fibres into the air compared to friable asbestos, making it less of a health risk. When removing less than 10 square metres of non-friable asbestos, a licence is not required. However, PCBUs and workers must still comply with SafeWork Australia’s recommended code of practice for asbestos removal work.
Class – A (Friable) Asbestos Removal
To apply for a class A removal licence, applicants need to be at least 18 years of age and have an operational safety management system in place. The class A licence also requires at least three years of work experience within the last five years and the completion of at least three asbestos removal jobs.
The nominated supervisor and all workers involved in the removal job must complete the CPCCDE3015A course to learn how to safely remove contaminated dust or debris. Supervisors must also complete the CPCCBC4051A course on supervising asbestos removal jobs.
The class A licence is needed for the removal of any friable asbestos. Friable asbestos is dry and crumbles easily. The asbestos-contaminated dust spreads quickly and poses health risks when inhaled. Only asbestos removal licence holders may supervise the removal of friable asbestos.
Class – B (Non-Friable) Asbestos Removal
The class B licence is needed to remove non-friable asbestos measuring more than 10 square metres. To apply for a class B asbestos removal licence, applicants need to be 18 years or older and have at least one year of work experience. Applicants must also show proof that they have completed the CPCCDE3014A or CPCCDE3015A course through a registered training organisation.
What Is the Asbestos Assessor Licence?
The asbestos assessor licence is required when specific work must be carried out related to the removal of friable asbestos, including:
- Clearance inspections for asbestos removal
- Issuing clearance certificates
- Air monitoring for asbestos removal sites
Asbestos assessors must be at least 18 years of age and provide certified copies of the completion of the CPCCBC5014A (Conduct Asbestos Assessment) training course. Applicants also require proof of at least five years of work experience and training.
How to Apply for an Asbestos Removal Licence
PCBUs may apply for an asbestos removal licence after meeting specific criteria. The PCBU must first nominate one or more supervisors to complete the required training. This may also include the PCBU if the PCBU will supervise workers.
To apply for a class B licence, the supervisors must complete CPCCDE3014A – Remove Non-Friable Asbestos or CPCCDE3015A – Remove Friable Asbestos.
To apply for a class A licence, the supervisors must complete CPCCDE3015A and CPCCBC4051A – Supervise Asbestos Removal.
When submitting the application form, the PCBU must provide proof of:
- stos removal training certification
- Certified safety management system
- Identity (including recent photos of nominated supervisors)
- Certificate of currency for worker’s comp insurance
- Relevant work experience
The application form and supporting documents are submitted via mail or email to the SafeWork organisation in the state or territory where the PCBU conducts business.
The asbestos removal licence demonstrates that a business understands the hazards of asbestos and the steps needed to safely remove it. Failure to obtain a licence before removing the asbestos may result in penalties.
Along with obtaining a licence, you must notify Safe Work before the start of every project involving the removal of asbestos. SafeWork requires at least five days prior notice.
To maintain compliance with work health and safety laws, apply for a class on asbestos removal.
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