I Have My Cert IV in WHS –How Do I Land the Best Jobs in WHS?

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This is a common question for people who have completed the Cert IV in WHS independently. You go through this exhausting training program because you want to land the best jobs in WHS, earn more money and provide for yourself and your loved ones. The bad news is that it may take some time to find the perfect job for you and land a position. The good news is there are many things you can do to start searching for those great jobs immediately.

Talk to Your Employer

Are you already employed by a company that hires competent work health and safety employees? If so, go directly to your boss and let him or her know that you have completed your Cert IV in WHS and are interested in any open positions that will further your career. Show them your certificate so that they know you are motivated and eager to land better jobs.

If you are not currently working in a work health and safety related position, think about how your new skills and knowledge can be put to use to benefit your current employer. In some cases, you may convince someone to carve out a position just for you. This only works if you make a strong case as to why the company needs a work health and safety professional on the team.

Identify Companies within Your Desired Location

Identify all areas where you would like to work and start finding company contacts within that area. You can look at job ads online and in local papers, but don’t limit yourself to jobs that are posted. Those jobs will be highly competitive with a lot of applicants, and the best jobs in WHS aren’t always advertised heavily.

Take it upon yourself to contact companies and ask if they could use someone with you qualifications. Look online to find social networking sites dedicated to professionals and job seekers. Connect with current employees within your chosen field as well as those who are already working for companies you would love to work for in the future. Make connections and let everyone know that you have earned your Cert IV in WHS and are eager to put your credentials to work.

Fully Utilise All Skills Learned

You may have a specific path in mind for your career, but you cannot afford to leave out any skills or bases of knowledge when selling yourself in the job market. Make sure your cover letters, resumes and online networking profiles reflect all of the skills you have gained through the completion of your WHS Cert IV and any other training programs and work experiences you have gained.

Your goal is to get your foot in the door somewhere so that you can start earning money and putting your career on a successful path. You may continue to look for other jobs that better suit your ideal career path, but you don’t want to miss opportunities because you failed to play up all of your skills and knowledge bases.

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