Why traffic control training is more than holding up a sign | AlertForce

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At AlertForce we know that one of the keys to successful training is making material accessible and practical. All the theory in the world won’t help you if you don’t know how to apply it in real world situations. And it doesn’t get more real world than traffic control. With potentially dozens of moving parts at any given time, effective traffic management in and around a work site can mean the difference between control and chaos. We can conduct training on site at your workplace so that you can see exactly how to put into practise the skills you learn to safely control traffic.

Why Nationally Recognised Training matters

In 2015 the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) introduced a Nationally Recognised Competency Qualification framework for all traffic control training to ensure:

  • Standards of competency that are recognised across Australia
  • A nationally consistent approach to and standard of traffic control training
  • Flexible training and assessment options
  • Easier recertification
  • Tailored training and assessments

Training, assessment and certification can only be delivered by an RMS approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO) – like AlertForce – who can deliver recognised National Competency Based training. This ensures that trainees get the highest quality instruction and nationally recognised certification.

Traffic Control – not just swivelling a sign

Learning how to be a safe and effective traffic controller is not just a matter of swivelling a stop/slow bat back and forth when you feel like it. Yes, it’s a good entry point for those wishing to take the first steps into traffic management, but just because it’s a starting point doesn’t mean it isn’t extremely valuable position. Construction, utility and other kinds of work sites are always potentially hazardous because of the intersection of vehicles or mobile plant with pedestrians and workers. Traffic controllers are therefore crucial to everyone’s safety. Our training will ensure that a traffic controller can:

  • Correctly direct road users using a stop/slow bat
  • Understand stopping sight distances
  • Maintain traffic incident reports and the relevant Traffic Control Plans for the site
  • Assess and respond to changes in conditions and environment e.g. weather conditions, increased traffic, road conditions
  • Implement risk assessments for personal safety
  • Communicate effectively using a range of devices and methods e.g. 2-way radios

Our Traffic Control Training includes the following nationally recognised units of competency:

  • RIIWHS201D Work safely and follow WHS policies and work procedures
  • RIICOM201D Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIWHS205D Control traffic with a stop/slow bat


 The next step: Implement Traffic Control Plans

This is the ideal course for those who already have experience as a Traffic Controller and are looking to further their skills in the area or for those who are required by their employer to set up and work with Traffic Control Plans at a work site. It requires a different skill set that builds on Traffic Controller knowledge. Our training will ensure that personnel in charge of implementing traffic control plans (TCPs):

  • Identify and understand the safety implications of traffic control
  • Manage traffic control devices in accordance with the TCP
  • Communicate effectively using a range of devices including a two-way radio
  • Check, clean and store equipment
  • Select an appropriate TCP to suit the site conditions e.g. traffic volume, weather, road conditions, and adjust/adapt as needed
  • Assess a location, identify topographical landmarks and carry out associated risk control
  • Assess a TCP for any unexpected hazards or risks
  • Plan for emergencies
  • Understand speed, types of vehicle, traffic density, sight lines, environmental conditions and the way they inform or effect a TCP
  • Monitor traffic controllers

Our Traffic Control Training includes the following nationally recognised units of competency:

  • RIIWHS201D Work safely and follow WHS policies and work procedures
  • RIICOM201D Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIWHS302D Implement traffic management plan

Identify, assess, adapt

Traffic control and management on a work site is about supervising and organising a whole lot of moving parts and the ability to identify and mitigate risk and adapt quickly and safely to changing conditions is an essential part of being involved in traffic control. We will take trainees through processes step by step and deliver information in a clear, accessible way that means they have the skills to not only perform their duties but to step up when the unexpected happens, as it inevitably does on work sites. High quality training leads to confident and competent personnel who can become integral to the safe functioning of a worksite. And that is invaluable.

Check out our training options here and give us a call today so that your work site is safer tomorrow.

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