Working at Heights Legislation, Regulations and Code of Practice | Managing Risk of Falls | AlertForce

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The Work Health and Safety Act was passed to increase worker safety, including safety when working at heights. To help ensure that employers and employees follow the necessary safety procedures, the Managing the risk of falls at workplaces working at heights Code of Practice was developed. Here is what you should know about this code.

What Are the Risks?

This involves a lot of risks at heights, including falling. Between January 2003 and December 2015, 359 workers in Australia died from injuries sustained from falls at work sites.

To help minimise the risk of fall injuries, the PCBU under legislation, has responsibilities when it comes to working at heights. The legislation is part of the Work Health and Safety Act, which contains a variety of laws related to safety practices at work sites, including the recommended code of practice for working at heights to help reduce the risks of falls.

Besides employees falling from heights, the equipment used may pose a risk for those on the ground or at lower levels. The working at heights Code of Practice QLD and the legislation in other states include requirements to reduce the risk of falling equipment.

What Is the Working at Heights Code of Practice?

A code of practice offers guidelines to help individuals comply with specific regulations or legislation. The code is designed to provide guidance for managing work at heights activities.

The Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) helped coordinate national efforts to prevent workplace injuries and deaths. The main priorities of the fall from height Code of Practice include:

  • Reducing the severity of risks
  • Improving the management of occupational health and safety
  • Preventing occupational disease
  • Eliminating hazards during the design stage
  • Increasing the ability of the government to influence worker health and safety

The code includes recommendations for following a risk management framework and developing a fall prevention plan. The fall prevention plan is used to address fall hazards and establish individual responsibilities. These details give businesses tools for managing the risk of falls at workplaces.

Working at heights training courses allow staff to follow these guidelines. Some of the details covered in the training courses include recommendations for fall control measures and help clarify WHS Regulations.

The best way to learn more about these guidelines and requirements is through the completion of working at heights training courses. These courses are available through nationally recognised training providers.

What Are the Regulations?

THE Working at heights regulations include specific requirements for helping to reduce workplace hazards. With these regulations, employers are required to detect hazards and assess the risks of the hazards. After identifying the dangers, they must take the necessary steps to reduce the risks.

The WHS Act also requires employers to find ways to carry out work on the ground as much as reasonably possible. If working on the ground is not an option, then employers, managers, and staff must identify and manage risks.

A safe means of exit is also needed, along with fall prevention devices and fall arrest systems to minimise the dangers of falling. These are just a few of the specifics covered by the regulations.

Legislation can vary between states and territories. With the WHS working at heights Legislation Victoria, there are a variety of codes of practice to follow to meet specific duties and requirements. However, NSW WHS working at heights regulations may vary slightly.

Due to the ability of different states and territories to adopt their regulations on top of the national recommendations, it is important to review the laws in your region. Employers must check with their WHS regulator to determine if a model code of practice has been implemented in their jurisdiction.

How Is Training Delivered?

Working at heights training courses are delivered face to face, for the initial training. The course needs to offer nationally-recognised qualifications and meet state regulations.

Courses last for one full day and cost $247 per person. After enrolling, you may obtain pre-course materials to help prepare for the course.

Refresher courses are available online, after being demand competent via a Statement of Attainment the initial RIIWHS204E Work Safely at Heights Course. These courses are self paced and only intended for those that already completed the face-to-face training.

If your workplace involves working at heights, these courses are a necessity. Enrol today to improve workplace safety as well as ensure best practice with the WHS Regulations.

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